External links

1940 Chronicle

A Civilian in the Second World War
A Country for Old Men?
Aircrew Remembrance Society
Andrew Etherington
Australian newspapers

Battle of Britain
Battle of Britain 1940
Battle of Britain Blog
Battle of Britain Monument
Battle of Britain: Official History
BBC Battle of Britain archive
BBC Peoples' War
Bill's Bunker
Bracknell Paper No. 2: The Battle of Britain Re-thought
Bristol Past
British Railways

Churchill: speeches in the Commons, 1940
Convoy Web

Dover Society

Essex seaside towns

Flight International archive
Free Republic (NYT archives)
Führer Conferences on Naval Affairs

German perspective
Google archive: Battle of Britain
Guardian: Blitz interactive timeline

Harry Tate's Navy
Hitler speeches
Hull Air Raids

Impact of the British Monarchy on Civilian Morale

Liverpool Blitz
Liverpool: Port at War
London Gazette 11 September 1946
London Transport Museum
Lost Bombers
Luftwaffe 1933-45

Manchester Blitz
Merchant Navy - Atlantic War
Merchant Navy Losses
Morale in Swansea

Naval History
NE Diary
Newport Papers: Area Bombing
Newton Abbot Bombing
Norwich Air-raids

Operation Sealion: papers
Orwell Diaries

Pilot's Blog

RAF Diary
Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal

Spitfire Site
Swansea Air Raids

Trawler Losses

UK Press Online (Archive - Daily Express/Daily Mirror)

Weather diary
Welsh Air Raids
West End at War
World War II Day-By-Day
World War II Today
Wrecked on this day